Page 176
Blue Ice
Fabric and ribbons-Jo-Ann Fabrics;
Ornament wreath-Seasons of Cannon Falls, 800/776-2075; Beads, embossing powder,
and crafts supplies-Michaels Stores, Inc., 800/642-4235;
Page 184
Wrapping Up the Season
Rub-on letters: Scrapworks, 801/363-1010; www.scrapworks
.com. Ruby rhinestones: The Beadery, 401/539-2432; www Rub-on letters: Making Memories, 801/294-
0430; Glitter ornaments: EK
Success; Polka-dot ribbon: Making
Memories, 801/294-0430;
Quilled holly and snowflakes: Provo Craft, 800/937-7686; Crystal rhinestones: The Beadery,
401/539-2432; Oval-shape pearl-
beaded trim: Hobby Lobby, 800/323-9204; www.hobbylobby
.com. Red-and-white striped and polka-dot paper: Melissa
Frances, 905/686-9031; Mini frame:
Slide Sentiments by Magic Scraps, 972/238-1838; www Holly berry trim: EK Success; www Striped grosgrain ribbon: Doodlebug Design;
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Best of Christmas Ideas
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